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Brilliant Advances in Technology: A Tech Blog

Welcome to my technology blog. My name is Kat, and I have been an avid fan of technology for years. In my professional life, I am a restaurant owner, but I have dabbled in everything tech-related from building computers to online marketing to basic programming. In this space, I want to focus on brilliant innovations in technology. When I am not at the restaurant with my husband, you can find me curled up with my kids watching videos on their tablets, checking out new video games on our favourite consoles or other tech-related entertainment. Get comfortable, and explore these posts. I hope they inspire you to learn or do new things with technology.


Brilliant Advances in Technology: A Tech Blog

Two tips for parents who are curious about tarot reading services

by Mario Carmona

If you're a parent and your curiosity has been piqued by the tarot reading services that a psychic is offering, you should try to take these tips on board before contacting them.

Wait until your children are not around if you'll be calling from the family home

If you intend to use the psychic's phone service whilst you're in your family home, then it is best to wait until your children are in school, with their childminder or asleep before you call the psychic. The reason for this is that even if you do not put the psychic on the phone's loudspeaker, any of your children who are present and awake could still be able to hear snippets of the tarot reading if you choose a quiet spot for this call.

If you are aware that your children could be listening in on this conversation, you might need to ask the tarot reader, in advance, to sugar-coat some of the more sombre or important things that they see in the cards so that your children don't overhear something you do not want them to. However, keep in mind that asking the psychic to use euphemisms or other veiled forms of language could make the discussion confusing and might even cause you to misunderstand what they are telling you.

Additionally, if your children try to eavesdrop on the tarot reading, they might get spooked out by the fragments of conversation that they hear (if for example, the psychic accurately describes an event that happened in your past). This could result in you then having to spend time after the call convincing your children not to be disconcerted by this event. By ensuring that they are not around when you call up the psychic, you will be able to have a frank and forthright tarot reading without having to worry about anyone eavesdropping.

Don't fixate on things the tarot reader tells you about your children's fate

If you are interested in how your children's lives will turn out and plan to ask about this when you call up the tarot reader, it is important not to waste time fixating on the answers you receive regarding this subject matter, regardless of whether these answers make you feel hopeful or slightly concerned.

The reason for this is that when the tarot reader checks the cards for information about your children, the facts they deduce will be based on the life paths that your children are currently on. As such, if your son or daughter were to do a U-turn in regards to some major aspect of their life (if they asked you if they could change schools, for example), their fate could change accordingly. Because of this, it is important to not cling too much to specific predictions and to waste time celebrating or worrying about them; instead, you should simply use them as a general guide that you keep in mind whenever your children want to make major decisions.

To learn more, contact a resource that offers tarot readings.
